Thursday, June 28, 2007

Actually, I really don't care about the second round

It goes so fast and the players rarely make the team. It's completely random. I think I'm done here.


Portland reportedly just bought the draft rights to Petteri Kopponen for cash from the 76ers. Why? I really don't understand that one. They already have Sergio, Jack, and Rudy Fernandez. Paul Allen says the draft is his favorite night of the year.... sounds like me with $5 billion; although I wouldn't have OKed this trade.

Second Round

There are still a lot of guys left over in the second round who can PLAY. Josh McRoberts, Glen Davis, Derrick Byars, Gabe Pruitt and Ramon Sessions top my list. There are also quite a few other talented guys. I'm a little miffed that Byars will not have a guaranteed contract and think a lot of teams missed the boat, and now he has to sit through the almost random selection of the second round and potentially slide to somewhere like #50. When I mention Second Round Pick, I usually just blow through them because they often have no impact at all, many never stay on their team past the summer league.

First Round Thoughts

Before I get into the Second Round, I want to say some thoughts on the First Round. First of all, I think the only surprises were Tucker and Brooks. I just don't understand why the Rockets and Suns draft those guys. The Rockets have James, Alston, and Luther Head as an emergency point guard, and so they draft Brooks? Have they seen Brooks? He's a 5'11'' shooting guard! Awful pick, truly awful. You're telling me McRoberts or Fazekas can't make more of an impact here? Brooks is not a guy that you want to give a guaranteed contract to, and frankly I don't see him lasting in the NBA past that first contract.

When it comes to Tucker, I just don't know why he goes ahead of Derrick Byars, or even Josh McRoberts for the Suns. Byars can do everything Tucker can, although he's a little less athletic, and brings a ton more to the table. I just don't understand that pick from the Suns perspective. Yes Alando has experience catching alley-oops, which is something he'll need to play with Steve Nash, but is that why you take him? I don't understand. Otherwise, all of the picks were more or less defensible and understandable. I don't know about Wilson Chandler, but Zeke has the trust of NYC with his track record. I also don't understand the Splitter pick as far as the Spurs have Luis Scola's draft rights, and he's a much better player on the same European team as Tiago. But he's a good player and the Spurs aren't hurting for immediate help obviously.


With the last pick in the First Round, the Philadelphia 76ers select Petteri Kopponen! Not a surprise. You can't have that many rookies with guaranteed contracts.

Philadelphia 76ers

The Sixers are on the clock for the third time in the first round, and I would not be surprised to see anything. They could go any direction here. I think Byars is out of the question, but look for McRoberts or Fazekas. Also Big Baby Davis. No one really seems to fit though, and three first rounders is tough to deal with for any team. An international player is highly likely as well so they don't have three rookies next year. Could see unheralded Kyle Visser here too.


The Phoenix Suns select Alando Tucker! HEY!!!! Ok nice, nice. I'm not a fan of Alando Tucker, but we graduated from the same school and he's a real class act. I'm glad for him that he got a guaranteed NBA contract. Great for him. Maybe not the best pick for the Suns, but they don't really need much help.

Phoenix Suns

It's hard to predict who the Suns take, but my best guess is an international player or they sell the pick for cash like they did with #24. Petteri Kopponen is the favorite for an international guy I would think. I also wouldn't be surprised to see them draft Josh McRoberts.


The San Antonio Spurs select Tiago Splitter! I'm not exactly sure why they take Splitter, but he has great first round talent. I guess he's good depth behind Oberto and Duncan, but he won't join the club until next year.

San Antonio Spurs

No one can guess who the Spurs take, it's impossible. Byars is probably the pick right now because he is a cerebral player who can do a lot of little things, and would of course have everyone saying "how did he fall to the Spurs!?" He's got some Josh Howard potential, and it's noteworthy that he was named SEC Player of the Year ahead of all the Florida guys. Could also see a point guard like Pruitt or Kopponen, or we could see someone that is completely unexpected.


The Detroit Pistons select Aaron Afflalo! Interesting selection ahead of Derrick Byars, but he's a solid player who plays a similar game to Byars. He's not as good though, so I'm not sure why they make this pick here. Not a terrible pick though, I just don't like him over Byars. In fact, I think the Afflalo hate has been way too overblown.

Also being reported is that the Sonics are now looking to actively resign Rashard Lewis, which is of course the correct move. You can't turn your franchise over to two rookies. It's also reported that Wally Szerbiak has been traded to Seattle instead of Theo Ratliff. Good backup for the young guys, and he can start if one or both of the rookies aren't ready yet.

Detroit Pistons

The Pistons will probably take Derrick Byars here and would be a great pick. I think they should upgrade their front court, but I don't think Big Baby or McRoberts does that. And Kyle Visser definitely does not. I could also see them taking Petteri Kopponen, or another Euro because Dumars likes to show how smart he is by taking international players. The Pistons also have great international scouting.


The Houston Rockets select Aaron Brooks! Holy crap! Aaron Brooks is NOT a first rounder. He's a 5'11'' shooting guard! This is the Renaldo Balkman pick of 2007. Awful. I hate Fazekas, but I even think he's an upgrade over Brooks. What a horrendous pick. They already have freakin Mike James and Rafer Alston!

Houston Rockets

The Rockets are on the clock, and all the noise has been they will take Nick Fazekas. I could also see Derrick Byars (not likely), or McRoberts, or more likely than those two is Glen Big Baby Davis. It should almost certainly be Fazekas though, their love of him is long documented. There's been a lot of surprises today though, so we'll see.


The Utah Jazz select Morris Almond. The outside shooting takes the cake. I think Byars might be too similar to Ronnie Brewer, whereas Almond is a definite shooter. Good pick.

Utah Jazz

The Jazz are probably looking for a young player to play on the wing, but I could also see Big Baby Davis or Josh McRoberts. I don't think it's likely though, and they'll be deciding between Morris Almond and Derrick Byars. Byars seems like a guy with more intangibles, so he is the favorite because he's more of a Sloan kind of guy, however Morris Almond is a good outside shooter, and the Jazz are looking for an upgrade in that area.


Yep, Ric Bucher's source is correct and Rudy Fernandez goes #24 to the Suns/Trailblazers. I wonder if he comes over next year? Don't they have Sergio Rodriguez as well? Two Spanish point guards? Kinda cool. What of Jarrett Jack?

Phoenix Suns?

The Phoenix Suns are on the clock, and it's almost positive that they'll take an international player they can leave over... wait a second. The Portland Trailblazers have purchased the pick for $3 million and will reportedly select Rudy Fernandez. The only thing the Suns could have done aside from pick a Euro and keep him overseas, was to sell the pick for money. Long track record of that sort of thing.


The Knicks take Wilson Chandler! Spike Lee gave away the "secret" before the pick was made, how dare he! Not many clapping, and a few boos, but a pretty lukewarm reaction from the crowd.

New York Knicks

You feel that buzz? The New York Knicks are on the clock! ALRIGHT!! One of the best moments in any NBA Draft. They'll almost certainly take Wilson Chandler here, and I'm very curious to see how the New York crowd reacts. It's not a secret at all, so it won't catch them off guard like Balkman did last year.


The Charlotte Bobcats select Jared Dudley! Surprising, and not surprising at all. Dudley is a 4 year college guy from an ACC School, so the Bobcats fanbase knows who he is. I don't see how he plays next to Wallace, or offers anything Wallace does not, but whatever. They care more about fan interest and ticket sales.

Charlotte Bobcats

The Bobcats get their second pick of the first round and I'm willing to place money on Morris Almond here. They could go for Big Baby, but I think they feel they've addressed their front court problems with Brandan Wright as much as they can through this draft. Almond is a dangerous shooter who can score, something last year's top pick Adam Morrison proved incapable of doing. Derrick Byars is also possible, but I think Almond is their guy.


The Philadelphia 76ers select Daequon Cook! Wowsers! I could see this being a trade... and yep, Ric Bucher says Cook and cash is going to Miami for Jason Smith. I'm not sure why Miami wants Cook either, since they have Wade and another young wing who they haven't found enough minutes for in Dorell Wright. Makes a little more sense though, since the Sixers needed front court help and Smith could do some of that. Still think Splitter is better though.

Philadelphia 76ers

Tough to pick since the Sixers have multiple first round picks. After taking Thad Young, I hear they are very interested in Tiago Splitter with this pick. He won't be able to come over for a year, but he has definite talent. For example, he will be a better player than Jason Smith.


The Miami Heat select Jason Smith! Interesting. He just reeks of a stiff, but I guess he can offer something off the bench. This seems like a pick the Heat might live to regret though, with some other talent on the board.

Miami Heat

The Heat are very difficult to predict, but I think they go for Gabe Pruitt. There was a rumored promise for him, and they have to upgrade their point guard position. Pruitt has the potential to be an upgrade. I'm just not sure who they take here if they pass on Pruitt. Maybe Rudy Fernandez I guess. I don't see a big man with a wow factor here that they would covet.


The Los Angeles Lakers select Javaris Crittenton! Should have mentioned him as a possibility for the Lakers. He's a big point guard who can shoot, and therefore is a fit in the triangle offense. Solid pick for the Lakers, and not one that will piss off Kobe. It won't placate him though either of course.

Los Angeles Lakers

No real idea who the Lakers take here, but Rudy Fernandez seems to be the prohibitive favorite. Kobe would be pissed, but I think they can make a trade later on. Fernandez is a solid point guard prospect who may come over this season because he wants to play for the Lakers. If some other teams take him he won't come over.


The Golden State Warriors select Marco Belinelli! WOW! Big shock there, although the Warriors do have a solid international scouting contingent. Belinelli is also the first guy to crash the stage and shake hands with a terrified David Stern even though he wasn't invited to the Green Room! Always exciting.

Golden State Warriors

The Warriors could go a number of directions here because they don't really have that many needs outside big men. I think they probably go for Jason Smith, but that's not a sure thing by any means, I'm very weak on that prediction. Could also see Daequon Cook, Derrick Byars, Morris Almond, Big Baby Davis, or Josh McRoberts. Tough pick to predict.


The New Jersey Nets select Sean Williams! Definitely saw this one coming. Jason Smith has bust written all over him, plus he looks soft and I just don't think he is a good fit in New Jersey.

Knicks trade?

The Knicks have made a Zach Randolph trade. This has nothing to do with draft picks, but the trade is Steve Francis and Channing Frye for Zach Randolph and filler. David Lee looks happy that he wasn't the guy traded. Good trade for the Knicks, and I think Francis fits the bill for the Blazers as the off ball scorer they need. Frye is a great guy to come off the bench for the Blazers behind Oden and Aldridge. Love the trade for both teams.

New Jersey Nets

There are a lot of big men in the mix here, from Big Baby Davis, to Josh McRoberts, to Jason Smith, to Sean Williams. The rumor as of today is that the Nets will gamble on Sean Williams because of his tremendous talent, and ability to play with Nenad Krstic. The other guys just might not be able to play in the Nets system. I think Williams is the favorite heading into this pick, but don't be surprised to see the other guys, especially Smith.


The Washington Wizards select Nick Young! Not a surprise, and I think this is a great pick for the Wizards. All he'll have to do on this team is knock down open three pointers. For context on how strong this draft is, he was taken after JJ Redick was last season. Nick Young will be a much better player in the NBA, and a better shooting role player if need be, than Redick as well.

Washington Wizards

The Wizards don't really need all that much help, but I could see them drafting Sean Williams or Nick Young here. Young would play in the backcourt with Arenas, with Butler at 3, Jameson at 4, and a scrub cocktail at 5. Sean Williams would help out the scrub cocktail at Center/Power Forward if he's taken. Williams has non-scrub potential though.


The Detroit Pistons select Rodney Stuckey! The Pistons made no secret of their love for him, and this is not really a surprise. Good fit as a backup for Billups and Hamilton as a combo guard. Could be a bust I suppose, but I wouldn't predict that. Likely a solid 6th man in the Barbosa mold.

Nick Young is the last man in the Green Room!

Detroit Pistons

We have a dilemma here for the Detroit Pistons. They love Rodney Stuckey, but Nick Young has fallen into their lap now at #15 and it would be very hard to pass on him. I still think Stuckey is the pick here, but do not be surprised if Young is the pick. They are also the last two players in the Green Room, so for the gentleman who does not get taken here, he will have won the coveted "Last Man in the Green Room" award. I don't see that player lasting past the #16 pick however; no danger of a second round slide this year.

EDIT: Failed to mention that Javaris Crittenton is in the mix here too, but he doesn't provide as much immediate help (which the Pistons need) as the other two guys. If they take him, they enter rebuilding mode and signal their intention to not resign Chauncey Billups.

#14 Pick

With the last pick in the lottery, the Los Angeles Clippers select Al Thornton! Interesting pick although I don't see how he's better than someone like Corey Maggette who doesn't even start. Definitely a lottery talent and I'm a huge fan of Al Thornton despite his age (he's 23, older than LeBron). I can't say I blame them for failing to address their point guard need because Crittenton just doesn't do that in my opinion.

Los Angeles Clippers

I think the Clips take Javaris Crittenton here, but there are a lot of possibilities. I could also see them take Nick Young and trade him for Julian Wright. Something like that. I'm still reeling from the Julian Wright selection. Crittenton fills a need and doesn't have to make an immediate impact for the Clips. I don't think they would take Thornton or Nick Young, but it's possible. Not sure how they deserve to get off the Clippers bench.

Julian Wright looks extremely nervous out there giving his interview.

#13 Pick

The New Orleans Hornets select Julian Wright! Very interesting pick. I did not see that comming

New Orleans Hornets

This is totally Nick Young. There's no other possibility. The Hornets have been fairly transparent with the guys they like in the past few drafts, and I don't think this is any different.

#12 Pick

The Philadelphia 76ers select Thaddeus Young! WOW! I know I had him as a possibility, but this is a big surprise for me. I'm not sure if the Sixers feel Thad can be a power forward for them, but this is a very interesting pick sliding Thornton down.

Philly 76ers

This is Al Thornton. I can't see them taking anyone else. Thornton can shoot the ball, which Young and Wright cannot do. On a team with Andre Miller and Andre Iguodala, you need someone who can score, not someone who can do everything except score. Billy King though, has a track record of awful picks, so don't be completely surprised to see Sean Williams, or Javaris Crittenton, or someone like that here. But I think it's one of the top 3, with Thornton being the heavy favorite.

#11 Pick

The Atlanta Hawks take Acie Law IV!! Pretty obvious here. The first senior taken in the draft. I'm not really a big fan of Acie Law and starting him at PG from the start, if that's what the Hawks do, would be on par with other Billy Knight draft blunders. Normally the picks here start to get boring, and my gut reaction is to start phoning it in, but there is so much talent in this draft. Thad Young, Al Thornton, and Julian Wright are all complete studs.

Atlanta Hawks

The Atlanta Hawks are now on the clock, and all the talk in recent weeks has been about them taking Acie Law here. They could also trade the pick for someone like Luke Ridnour or Jose Calderon, but I don't think it's likely. I also can't get Javaris Crittenton out of my head for them here. A lot of the staff likes him and he's local. Plus I think he's got more of a future as a starting NBA point guard as Acie Law, although I don't think either has much of one.

#10 Pick

The Sacramento Kings select Spencer Hawes! Interesting. He can learn from Brad Miller, but he might not get the minutes he needs right away.

Sacramento Kings

Tough call for the Kings here. I think they are definitely eying Al Thornton, but they could also go for Julian Wright. Don't see them reaching for Acie Law or Spencer Hawes because they have solid starters there, but I guess Hawes is a possibility because Brad Miller is getting old. Doesn't make much sense though because Hawes wouldn't get the minutes he needs early in his career. I think this pick is Al Thornton..... or Julian Wright.

Incidentally, the Sixers are praying they take Wright. They love Al Thornton and he would be a perfect fit for them. If he goes, they might take someone like Nick Young for his shooting.

#9 Pick

The Chicago Bulls take Joakim Noah! Not much of a surprise right there, he was destined to play for the Bulls. With him and Tyrus Thomas they are going to have the potential to be the fastest front court in the league. Love this pick for the Bulls, Noah is a piece who could push them over the top in the East.

Chicaco Bulls

The Bulls have been waiting to select Joakim Noah since last year. They love him and he will fit in wonderfully. Great pick for them and they are thrilled he slides to them. The Bulls are on the clock, and there's no real uncertainty here. If it's anyone else I would be SHOCKED.

EDITED before pick: They could also take Spencer Hawes who would be good for them as well. Still see them leaning for Noah.

Charlotte Bobcats

The Charlotte Bobcats take Brandan Wright! Good pick for them. I'm a lot higher on Wright than most people out there. I think he's totally legit as an NBA player with tremendous athleticism. I don't think he can play next to Okafor, but he's damn good.

Jay Bilas dismisses the Carolina ties playing any role. How naive Mr. Bilas.

#8 Pick

The Bobcats are now on the clock and I think it's almost certainly going to be Joakim Noah if they keep the pick. He fits the profile, but Brandan Wright does as well, and the Carolina ties could sell tickets... which is all the Bobcats are interested in anyway.

Corey Brewer

Brewer either looks extremely nervous, or extremely unintelligent. Bad interview there with Stew Scott for my perception of him.

#7 Pick

The Timberwolves take Corey Brewer! Interesting, the first true surprise of the night! I'm not sure about this pick for the Wolves, and it almost seems like they're taking someone who could keep Kevin Garnett in town. Just don't know if he's the best guy out there for them.

#6 Pick

The Bucks take Yi!! Hopefully there's a trade for Monta Ellis or Biedrins here because Yi does not want to play for the Bucks. Katz now reporting the Bucks will keep Yi! Screw Jianlian, he has been the biggest jerk in the history of the draft process.

The Timberwolves are on the clock. Look for Spencer Hawes here. Possibly Thornton (per Ford's pussy mock) or Noah.

Yi interviews with Stew Scott without an interpreter. He needs one.

#5 Pick

The Celtics (Sonics) draft Jeff Green! First surprise of the night, except Andy Katz told us about it 15 minutes ago. The Bucks now go on the clock and it gets interested. They are very interested in Brandan Wright, but there is a very good chance that they could draft Yi and either force him to play, or trade him to Golden State for the #18 and Monta Ellis.

Chad Ford is a cheater

His mock draft says "Updated at 7:30 PM ET", which is right when the draft started. Except Chad updated it with the Katz rumor, which was reported after Portland went on the clock, and is therefore invalid. It's easy to look like the King of Mock Drafts when you cheat.

#4 pick

The Memphis Grizzlies take Mike Conley Jr! They took about 2 seconds to phone that one in. I don't think I've ever seen Stern come out with over 1:30 still left on the clock. The Boston Celtics are now on the clock, but they traded the pick to the Sonics for Ray Allen. The rumor is that the Sonics will select Jeff Green, who would be good next to Durant. Joakim Noah and Yi are darkhorses, but I don't see any reason to distrust Andy Katz on this one. Jeff Green it is.

Looks like the first trade will screw up my mock at #5. Weak.

#3 Pick

With the #3 pick the Atlanta Hawks draft Al Horford! Good pick for them I guess. I still think they'll regret passing up on Mike Conley Jr here, but he's a big guy who can score in the post and block shots. Similar to LaMarcus Aldridge I think.

The Grizzlies are on the clock now and the rumor is that they told Mike Conley that they will take him. That is a very good pick for them, and much better in my opinion than the other guy they considered, Joakim Noah.


I'm still baffled about this trade. Do the Sonics resign Rashard Lewis now? I think they have to. If they think they can replace Lewis and Allen with Durant and Green and become better, they have another thing coming. Very interesting for the future of the Sonics though.


ESPN just showed a bunch of short clips of Oden throwing down monster jams and ferocious blocks on overmatched college kids reminding all of us why he's the best big man since Hakeem.

The Sonics draft Kevin Durant #2 overall. The Atlanta Hawks are on the clock, and NOW the adventure begins. The drama over Yi from last night seems to have settled down and they almost certainly will take Al Horford, but Billy Knight is very good at screwing up high draft picks.

We have our first trade of the night! The Sonics trade Ray Allen to the Celtics for the #5 pick and Theo Ratliff's contract. WOW!! They will reportedly take Jeff Green #5, who would look great next to Durant, but still doesn't address their needs for a post presence. Not sure if it's a great move for Boston to trade a top pick like this for a 32 year old.

Sonics are on the Clock

The Trailblazers take Greg Oden #1. They will win at least one Championship during his career there, but they need to find some scoring from the perimeter. Zach can give them that in a trade.

Sonics are on the clock now, and will almost certainly take Kevin Durant. Durant is smiling and looks very happy for Oden.

The Portland Trailblazers are on the clock

The Blazers are now on the clock. They told Oden they will take him sometime last night. Don't expect too many surprises until Yi comes off the board.

Email Me

If you have any thoughts during the draft, don't hesitate to email:

Final Mock Draft

1. Portland - Greg Oden
2. Seattle - Kevin Durant
3. Atlanta - Al Horford
4. Memphis - Mike Conley Jr.
5. Boston - Yi Jianlian
6. Milwaukee - Brandan Wright
7. Minnesota - Spencer Hawes
8. Charlotte - Corey Brewer
9. Chicago - Joakim Noah
10. Sacramento - Jeff Green
11. Atlanta - Acie Law
12. Philadelphia - Al Thornton
13. New Orleans - Nick Young
14. LA Clippers - Javaris Crittenton
15. Detroit - Rodney Stuckey
16. Washington - Julian Wright
17. New Jersey - Sean Williams
18. Golden State - Thaddeus Young
19. LA Lakers - Rudy Fernandez
20. Miami - Gabe Pruitt
21. Philadelphia - Tiago Splitter
22. Charlotte - Daequon Cook
23. New York - Wilson Chandler
24. Phoenix - Marco Belinelli
25. Utah - Morris Almond
26. Houston - Nick Fazekas
27. Detroit - Derrick Byars
28. San Antonio - Jared Dudley
29. Phoenix - Jason Smith
30. Philadelphia - Josh McRoberts

Yi Jianlian

Going into the draft the biggest question mark is Yi Jianlian. Late Wednesday night, ESPN began reporting that the Atlanta Hawks are 50/50 on Yi and Florida Forward Al Horford. For weeks it has seemed obvious that the Hawks would select Horford at #3, but this new report throws a wrench into just about every mock draft. Personally I don't think they will ultimately take Yi, but it is really something to consider, especially since Billy Knight has a history of screwing up high lottery picks.

After #3, Yi's next potential destination is at #5 to the Boston Celtics. The Celtics are very high on him and would love to add him to the team, but there are some pretty major concerns. First of all, drafting Yi, likely a project player, would send the message to Paul Pierce that they are not focused on contending in the Eastern Conference for the next few years and are still in "rebuilding mode" whereas a pick of Jeff Green or Joakim Noah would show more of an eye to the immediate future. Pierce has said that he could demand a trade as early as draft night if he is not satisfied with the Celtics, and drafting Yi would almost force Pierce out the door. Any trades for this pick are very unlikely.

If Yi falls past there, the Milwaukee Bucks are giving off a lot of signs that they will draft him at #6. Yi and his "handlers" do not want him in Milwaukee, but the Bucks have stated that they will draft him and force him to play in a city he does not like. This is the perfect example of a "smoke screen"; the Bucks know that Chicago and Golden State are very interested in Yi and want to force them to trade for the #6 pick. That way the Bucks can get a lower pick, like Golden State's #18, and another player, perhaps Monta Ellis. The Bucks will not draft Yi if they cannot trade him away immediately.

Barring trades for the #7 and #8 picks, the Chicago Bulls at #9 are the lowest Yi falls. Unless Joakim Noah is still around, then the Bulls could take him. If the Bulls pass on Yi, Sacramento will be the absolute basement on Jianlian's stock. If he slides out of the top 10 (which he really should not, he is probably going at 3 or 5), he could pass the next seven teams and go to
Golden State at #18, or to a team trading up.

Where Yi goes determines a lot of what goes on in this draft. For example, if the Hawks take Yi, it gives Memphis a major decision to make between Conley and Horford at #4. They are locked in on Conley right now because they assume Horford will be off the board, but if Yi goes #3, they have both to choose from. Horford could slide to #6 to the Bucks, which would slide Brandan Wright (who I feel the Bucks are eyeing at #6) down the draft board quite a bit. If Yi slides, guys like Jeff Green and Joakim Noah will be the main beneficiaries, with Green going as high as #5 to the Celtics. If Yi goes #5, Green is probably more in the 8-10 range, with an outside shot at Milwaukee for #6.

The only thing we know right now is that Yi Jianlian holds the key to the lottery this year.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


On Thursday June 28th I will be live blogging the NBA Draft. I have been a regular contributer on a prominent NBA Draft Message Board for the past 5 years, and been a fan of the NBA Draft for many more. The first draft I remember following pick for pick was in 1997 when Tim Duncan went #1. I am an avid college basketball fan and have seen just about every player in the draft, although I admit to missing Rodney Stuckey and Jason Smith. Before the draft I will post a mock draft and break down a few prospects, however most of that will be done during the actual draft when a guy gets selected, or a guy is about to be selected.